Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pending Project...


Going thru pinterest, I found a cute "doll house" picture. It was this AWESOME tutorial that I discovered by really looking at the pin.
A07 had asked recently for a bigger house for the dolly that hubby's mom [me'ma] made her for christmas. It is a book/purse (plus doll, with a couple of outfits) that has a bed pocket & a wardrobe  that velcros closed. So, I showed her the flickr pool that the blog owner set up. She asked for EVERY house that was pictured.
I had to explain that she would get to help me pick fabric (from my STABLE*) for all the parts of the house. She finally got the concept and seemed very excited to have a little house for her doll.

TODAY... we bought the plastic canvas needed to stabilize the pieces. I need to sit down with her & pick some fabrics now.
She ALSO wanted more dolls & clothes, so me'ma is going to be sending the patterns for the set.
Now I get to figure out how to add a little wardrobe pocket area to one end of the house & possibly make a couple of the bed pockets, like in the little book me'ma made, to be "bunk beds" that remove from the house.

I know that A07 will NOT let me forget about this little project, but I wanted a little OUTSIDE accountability too. So now that I have SAID I am doing it... I have to finish it.

* STABLE is a personally modified acronym.
People in quilting circles regularly discuss a SABLE, but I like it better MY way...
Stash That's Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy.
It needs that extra word "that's" in there... besides, a stable is a house for other things, usually referring to horses, but a closet or wardrobe of fabric can be called a stable nicely too.

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